Where's The Party!
Four Trick or Treaters had just left one house and started walking up the street when they saw a huge house they have never seen before. As they got a little closer they noticed that it was very brightly lit. They could also hear sounds of what they thought was music. And shadows of what looked like people dancing around the yard. It appeared to be a party.
One of the kids said to the others, " it looks like they are having a lot of fun, lets ask if we can join them?" "Sure why not", the others nodded in agreement as they all hurried up the street towards the Mansion.
As the four got closer to the mansion, they started to slow down for they saw a few bats and ghosts flying around, then what appeared to be a mummy coming from the house. They stopped and for a second were going to turn around and go back, but then the one kid said, "wait, this is Halloween Night, and those are just props and I bet there are a lot of kids in that house having a blast, so lets go and have some fun." The others agreed and so they continued on to the Mansion.
When they reached the gates it opened automatically and was greeted by a witch with a cat on her broom and two spiders, one on each side of her. She greeted the Trick or Treaters warmly and told them they are welcome to join the party by saying,
Come on in and join the fun
There is plenty for everyone
Go on now from room to room
But do not use a witches broom
Soon as they entered the gates, they noticed a bolt of lightning, then another, and as they got even closer a black cat arched it back and hissed loudly at them. The four were a little frightened, but they wanted to join the others, so they kept walking up to the Mansion. Finally they were almost at the porch when a Mummy opened the door and escorted them inside the Parlor. The Mummy mumbled a few words they could not understand then he turned around and left. The four Trick or Treaters suddenly found themselves in almost total darkness, there was a eerie glow of light coming from the eyes of skeleton heads on the walls, and they could hear what sounded like other children having a grand time. and they were eager to join them. They padded the walls till they found another door, and as they searched this door for the doorknob, one of the Trick or Treaters leaned on the door, and it opened up for them with creaks and groans. The four went through the doorway slowly expecting to find the children they had heard earlier. What they did see confused them and made them wonder if they made a wrong turn somewhere.
Right before them was another gate, swinging open for them, and on the other side of it was a maze of hallways and doors. Then they heard a voice from where it came they did not know for it was carried on the wind the blew through the trees and said to them as they entered,
As you enter through these gates
Many surprises for you await
As you go through each door
You will find clues for more