Two weeks before Thanksgiving arrives
Events unfold that upsets our lives,
Relatives we’ve not seen since last holiday
Suddenly have something bickering to say.

Petty emails fly faster than lightning bolts
Until the entire clan in disgust revolts
And the telephone lines heat to red-hot
About whether to eat here or there or not.

Every Thanksgiving it's the same old thing
About where to gather and what to bring,
Our rarely seen kindred will fret and vent
About where Thanksgiving will be spent.
When the fuss ends we’re clustered here
Hugging on kinfolk not seen in a year,
With happy backslaps and big howdy do's
Saying "Wish I could see more of you.”

Even though we live in the same small city
Not to see more of all, is always a pity,
Fake smiles and open invitations abound
As we pretend to like everyone around.

It’s a big to-do on where to have this day
And when it's over we'll go separate ways,
The revelers rush to their secluded worlds
And lie in ambush as Christmas unfurls.
But hey! It’s Thanksgiving so lay out the meal
We’ll make-believe the affection is real,
That turkey on the table isn’t the only one here
Just look at the others uncomfortably near.

So bring on the bird, spread the fake cheer
Lets pretend we're all glad to see us here,
Break out the cider we'll toast with a cup,
Good grief! At least we all showed up.

©Written by: Kenneth J. Ellison 11-17-03

Poetry by Ken

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