If I should create today
 a thanksgiving recipe
What might I want to pray

 for the tender heart of thee
Might I forsake through the pretty 

forest for it's goodness sweet 
Uncover gorgeous colors,
 to create you such a treat

Would I climb on high for gentleness

 to find a joy beyond our reach
Somewhere far above the stars

 or upon a peaceful beach
Might I discover loveliness, 

for only perfect peace would do
To make a thanksgiving blessing,

 for the precious heart of you

Shall I journey down a valley, 

 deep in prayer, to wend my way
To pluck the most delicious fruit

 that I could ever gain
Then from above I see

the wondrous love of God, 
all a-tumbling down
To overcome each heartache 

and relieve your every pain.
God bless you my friend, again and again.

Soft Whispers for you from Derry's Heart Poems © 2005

Who thanks for little will thank for much.
Estonian proverb

Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart,
and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving,
and for every breath a song.
Konrad von Gesner

Perfect submission, perfect delight!
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above,
echos of mercy, whispers of love.
~ Fanny J. Crosby

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