A - automobiles, air conditioner, airplane, ATM's, animation, advertisements, actors and actresses, awards, AIDS, A Day in the Life, American Culture, America Online, abortion, assassinations (Kennedys, M. L. King, Reagan attempt, etc.)
B - bills, Barbie, Barney, Beanie Babies, bank statements, Bill Gates, birth control, books, boats, businesses
C - computer, currency, cell phones, communication, convenience, cloning, controversies, cartoon characters, celebrations, cars, costs, cyberspace, Creative Memories, CD's, Columbine High School, Clinton, clothing, churches, cars
D - Dr.'s breakthroughs, Diana (Princess), dentists, digital camera, diets, dining out, digital sound/Imaging, diapers, divorce, drugs, drunk driving, dances, dolls, Disney
E - entertainment/entertainers, electricity, email, extinction, Euro dollar, Elvis, El Nino, E-mail, Electronics, elections, education
F - fashions, furniture, family, fast food, friends, fads, Fax, foreign policy
G - gardening trends, gas stations, gene technology, grocery receipts, good times, Getting ready for Y2K, games (board and computer), gun control
H - houses (inside and out), hobbies, hair styles, home-based businesses, health care plans, HMO, headlines
I - Internet, indoor plumbing, ice cream, impeachment, instant messenger, ice box (refrigerator!), IN (as in what is "in style"), insurance, investments
J - job, justice, jokes
K - kitchen, kids' favorite things, Kennedy Tragedies, Kodak
L - leisure activities, Listerine, Life Magazine, lava lamp, litigation, laptop, Looking back (include things that are/ were important to you in the last Century), love
M - music, movies, mobile (phones), models, Miss America, Millennium Celebrations, Microsoft, money (ATMS, banks), Medicare, millennium, medical advances, machines
N - networking, news stories of the day (or year), Notable Events/ People, newest ideas, New Years Eve, NATO, national deficit
O - orbiting (Space travel), Oprah, organic, online shopping, ozone, orbit, Outstanding (awards or achievements), Olympic Medalists, offices
P - postage stamp, penicillin, Patriotism, pets, politics, Presidents, pop culture, predictions- (what you think life will be like at the next century mark!), Princess Diana, Pentiums, Politically Correct, presidential campaigns
Q - "quality time", quilts, quiz shows, Quotes, quality of life (contradictions and trade-offs)
R - restaurant, Rosa Parks, robots, races (cars, horses, Tour De France, etc.), role models, reading material, religion, religious right, right wing,
S - sports, space flight/exploration, stealth (bomber), space shuttle, summer recreation, school, social concerns, scrapbooking, Star Wars, sex offender, scanners, state of the union, Saddam Hussein, stock market, stores/shopping, synagogues, singers, software
T - transportation, TV shows, telemarketing, technology, trends, thongs, taxes, trucks, toys
U - umbrella policies, Unique- things that are unique about your family? Ultrasounds, units of measure
V - VCR, vaccines, Velcro, vacations, Vatican, viruses, violence in schools, video games, vision (what you think the next 100 years will bring)
W - World Wide Web, Wimbledon, Windows 10, winter storms, wedding trends, wars and conflicts, work, winners
X - x-ray and other diagnostic machines, generation X, xtra (anything that doesn't fit elsewhere)
Y - yard, You!
Z - Zoo, zodiac