We are one nation under God,
we have been from the start
I’m proud to say my country’s pledge
with my hand upon my heart
Our ancestors came for freedom
from lands across the sea
Our forefathers established
our country, born for liberty
The Signers of the Declaration
pledged in a collective stand
their lives, their fortunes, and
their sacred honor each and every man
God looked down and blessed
this nation over the many years
We’ve turned to Him for guidance
and protection from our fears
In God We Trust is our motto
and this we must preserve
Our sons and daughters who fought
and died as they so nobly served
To keep Old Glory’s colors flying
so that America can be
One Nation, Indivisible,
Under God,
with Justice and Liberty
One Nation Under God QuotesIt is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God. George Washington If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. -Ronald Reagan We stand strong together - as Americans - many cultures, races and faiths, but one nation under God. - Bob Taft The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity. - John Adams |
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