The yams will be cooked to perfection
And everything will look so yummy
We'll eat and eat all day long
Then sit around and rub our tummies.

The pumpkin pie always smells so good
And we'll need that whipped cream too
But we'll also have a cherry pie
I just don't know which to choose.

For all Thy help along the way,
We're thankful this Thanksgiving Day.
We're thankful, too, for all our dear ones,
For all the far away and near ones.

I get so overwhelmed by all the food
I'll need a bigger plate can't you see
I have to sample everything there
I know you're just like me.

I have to have some turkey
Mashed potatoes, yams and dressing
Baked corn, green beans and hot rolls
And most important is the blessing.

I'm very grateful for this bounty
And happy to have family and friends
We all come together on this day
And to you a "Happy Thanksgiving" I send.

© Chee Chee Martin
Used with permission.

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