I want to be a Pilgrim, giving thanks with bowed head.
I want to share with neighbors, blessing bounty's bread. I want to be a Quaker, quaking before the Lord, And follow their example, living in accord. ![]()
Why did their faith then matter, why the need for it?
When forging thru each trial, why didn't they just quit? Was their faith then a window, seeing thru to Light? Was faith a blessed lantern, shining in their night? ![]()
Faith is what matters now, just as it mattered then.
It takes us thru the pain and brings us joy again. It is not mysticism or a lovely fairy tale, It goes beyond mere words of human rationale. ![]()
Even in darkest moments of confusion and despair,
I know the truth of faith that God is really there. Faith is saying yes, when the world keeps saying no, And believing what's unseen when they say it can't be so. ![]()
So I want to be a Pilgrim, giving thanks with bowed head,
And walk along with faith on the path that I tread. And I want to be a Quaker, quaking before the Lord, For I know that someday soon I'll see my faith's reward! ![]() |
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