Part of the problems with today's children starts with they do not have enough time with grandparents . In many of the different cultures the older generation serves as the teachers and the historians for the race. The American Indians revere the elders for they pass on the morals and manners for the tribe. They are devout when it comes to tribal ceremonies and honored customs. 

Manners and morals seem to be passe" Especially in this generation where everyone is trying to buy love with fancy presents. Farmers had a whole different outlook on life as did all of our immigrant relations. 

Perhaps if our children today spent more time with their grandparents they would stay out of trouble. 

Grandparents have a whole different view on life and what is important. 

They even make learning fun and always have time to listen to the child. 

Speaking strictly for myself I cherished my grandparents and elders for they showered me with love and how to get along in the world. These were the people I tried to emulate .. 

© Carol G Oliver

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