February is Spunky Old Broads Month and February 1st is Spunky Old Broads Day! You know some Spunky Old Broads, either personally or as characters in books, television shows and movies (I always think of the Golden Girls and Hallmark's Maxine).

Spunky old broads are positive, fun, butt-kicking mature women over the age of 50 who refuse to sit back quietly and get old. They want excitement! They want a regret-free life!

Today's zany holiday is dedicated to the saying, "Old Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Now, those of you not in the know might ask yourself, "Gee, what exactly is a spunky old broad?" And if you do, then you obviously aren't one.
While Spunky Old Broads Month and the Red Hat Society are not affiliated with each other, I think both show the spirit and enthusiasm of embracing middle age and beyond instead of automatically declaring it the enemy. Besides, we are so wise by the time we reach middle age, we can’t help but laugh at some of the absurdities of life.
The best known old spunky broads that I could think of are The Golden Girls.

Adapted from: Sunshine And Chaos

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